
Showing posts from December, 2017

Indian Society

India is such a beautiful country to live in with its different cultures and rituals it makes it unique in d world but now it has stucked itself between western culture and ancient Indian culture where youth is not sure of where to move on like they r stucked between want of freedom that Western world is offering and want of maintaining Social integration which they r taught of since childhood. As a doctor i see so many people stuck between society and desires and social customs when their old age parents r in icu with life threatening situation and they r in situation to take critical decision of continuing or discontinue with Rx. I hope one day people will understand that Personal Desires r more important and to be respected thn social integration to be maintained bcz at d end there is nothing right and nothing wrong.

Alarming Days

Its been more thn 11 years now that i m working in different Hospitals different Departments on different Levels as an assistant or officer to help to smoothen the Patient-Doctor/Hospital relationship and i would say day by day Trust bw two sides is getting down for one or the other reasons. Its high time to do something for Injecting Trust in this relationship before its too late n ot becomes completely professional thn the familiar services that v would love to have unlile the Western world. Honestly speaking medicine is more of a trial n error type of artistic thing with few protocols and guidelines for better results and not the perfect Black n White Science, its all Grey areas ol around medical field and thats the bitter truth. Now a days communication and counselling is becoming more important thn Rx itself and thats pity. Future if continued like this would b very bad for doctors n patients both, only corporates will earn out of this nothing else. No one would like to join this...