Medical Insurance in India
Few facts n equations I know about: Insurance is one of the largest n fastest growing indiinduin India n over the globe right now, expected to be amounting to US$280 billion in 2020. Large no of life insurance and health insurance companies are in market right now, of both private and public sectors. Around 36 health insurance companies and TPA are in market of which around 28 are making loss out of it in view of Claims received, paid and due to huge amount of fraud claims submitted, in one way or other, which indirectly reflects on premium, increasing year by year, making it a burden over common people. There are many terms, conditions and sum insured limitations in mediclaim policies taken individually, unlike in corporate and government schemes for eg: MAA Yojana, ONGC, WR and so on, which is widely and many times used wrongly by many people, which is ABSOLUTELY UNFAIR, where they have no terms and conditions neither many of them have any sum insured limitations. So, There is an ...