
Showing posts from August, 2018

Medical Insurance in India

Few facts n equations I know about: Insurance is one of the largest n fastest growing indiinduin India n over the globe right now, expected to be amounting to US$280 billion in 2020. Large no of life insurance and health insurance companies are in market right now, of both private and public sectors. Around 36 health insurance companies and TPA are in market of which around 28 are making loss out of it in view of Claims received, paid and due to huge amount of fraud claims submitted, in one way or other, which indirectly reflects on premium, increasing year by year, making it a burden over common people. There are many terms, conditions and sum insured limitations in mediclaim policies taken individually, unlike in corporate and government schemes for eg: MAA Yojana, ONGC, WR and so on, which is widely and many times used wrongly by many people, which is ABSOLUTELY UNFAIR, where they have no terms and conditions neither many of them have any sum insured limitations. So, There is an ...

Medical Authorities in India

Where are v heading? Where will this end one day? Why so many Increasing conflicts n undesirable incidents? Who is the main responsible? Govt body giving authorities to start medical colleges every now and then without proper confirmation of services and education they can provide. Education standards in medical colleges in India is very poor. Govt n regulatory authorities n corruption at college levels specially self financial institutions, are main culprit bcz they want to settle following data on international levels, published on WHO n Indian medical journal websites last year. "Only 106 415 doctors are employed by the government in India, of the 938 861 doctors registered to provide healthcare to a population over 120 crore (1.2 billion).  Of these, only 27 355 are posted at primary health centres (PHCs), which serve the rural population. With poor infrastructure and no increase in the number of posts for government doctors over the past many decades, despite a...

Festivals in Hospitals

Wishes to all On this divine festival of Rakshabandhan So how does it make difference in hospitals¿ Doctors, staff, paramedic staff one or the other on leave and few r performing their duty as that on regular days, few staying away from their homes, not able to celebrate festival for one reason or other! My day started with Rakhi at home, thn starts duty, first patient I saw in icu today eaw young lady suffering from neurological stroke and coma, came from MP to Baroda, 2 days back, not improved after all teams' efforts, relatives from some far village 200km from here, want to tk her home, Brother signing Formality papers of Discharge process with no expression on his face standing by his father's side, who is illiterate bt wise, with understanding that she would not make it now and will loose her sister on this day itself. Where is God? Reminding me of famous quote of HouseMD, ''Either there is no God or else he is very cruel "