
Showing posts from May, 2020


Covid – 19 Pandemic , year 2020 Covid -19 such a negative word when it come positive. People are living under a fear of a tiny virus, we can’t even see by naked eyes, The purpose behind this blog is “why India is in lockdown as compared to Australia.” Being medical person, my curiosity makes me updated with the ongoing situation. I found out during first week of Covid 19 India and Australia’s cases were running parallel. During second or third week both countries had same cases around 6000. After few weeks I saw that Australis’s cases are still same however, India’s cases are increasing day by day. I had conversation about this difference with my colleagues, they said India have more population as compare to Australia. So, in general that India have more positive case as compare to Australia. But what I found Australia was in partially lockdown where all the shopping mall, restaurant (only take away), public transport and some offices are still working. And right now, they already ...

My experience in Hospitals

Being Barodian, being BHMS, working in different hospitals since April 2006, I Find myself blessed here, medical field, Doctors, staff, hospitals, are far way better than what we hear n read about in different other cities, in many ways, if not superior in medical facilities. I would like to share a trick / way / methodology which I hv practiced so far, from being student to doctor, be it called as rmo or registrar or whatever it is, Number of hours spent in icu, bed side with patients, is equally proportional to ur knowledge **if u hv interest ofcourse** Discussion with other Doctors around us, listening to their discussions about patients, diseases, treatment, are far more better thn books, ofcourse reading is important, but listening, understanding experiences of others n than develop our own pattern of thinking n understanding disease is really pleasure, medical field ofcourse has many black dots in India today but still being involved in the process of cure / palliation or...