
Showing posts from 2023

Being an ICU Doctor

A doctor must be psychologically fit for this job –able to make decisions under a terrifying amount of pressure, able to break bad news to anguished relatives, able to deal with death on a daily basis. They must have something that cannot be memorized and graded.  A great doctor must have a huge heart and a distended aorta through which pumps a vast lake of compassion and human kindness & medical colleges don't give a shit about all these in academic years. As you might imagine, learning every single aspect of the human body’s anatomy and physiology, plus each possible way it can malfunction & then find a solution for each malfunction/disease, is a fairly giant task in itself & then turning this theory into practice is a huge task ahead after education. During day time you may be able to do these over the years of learning & still accept the failures you come across during your practice.  Then comes one more turnover 'Nights'. You have to be more alert durin...