Festivals in Hospitals

Wishes to all On this divine festival of Rakshabandhan

So how does it make difference in hospitals¿
Doctors, staff, paramedic staff one or the other on leave and few r performing their duty as that on regular days, few staying away from their homes, not able to celebrate festival for one reason or other!

My day started with Rakhi at home, thn starts duty, first patient I saw in icu today eaw young lady suffering from neurological stroke and coma, came from MP to Baroda, 2 days back, not improved after all teams' efforts, relatives from some far village 200km from here, want to tk her home, Brother signing Formality papers of Discharge process with no expression on his face standing by his father's side, who is illiterate bt wise, with understanding that she would not make it now and will loose her sister on this day itself.

Where is God?
Reminding me of famous quote of HouseMD,

''Either there is no God or else he is very cruel"


  1. I can understand what must be going in the mind of the brother and jatin at that moment.


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