Unwanted Guests

!Ol my Medical n NonMedical frnz do read this one!

The most irritating thing about working in Hospitals is 'Visiting Hours'
I really dont understand why ppl come to visit patients in Hospitals!
Hardly 5% people coming r really concerned about their health n r thinking how they can b helpful to the patients in real sense!
Rest 95% ppl do come for x y z reasons which indian tradition is set for!
Either bcz just they r free, curious to know what's happening, sharing their irrelevant n expert experiences n knowledge with everyone patient n relatives n doctors, some r coming just to c billing n other facilities so tht they cn give judgement abt hospital which they have never known about or just to Ask Stupid questions n irritate ppl around!
Eventually these so called well wishers spoil the case in many ways.
Sometimes people come and ask for a patient but they dont even know him / her by name neither they have numbers but still insist on meeting!!
This Tradition should b stopped by family attendants of the patient sooner the better
for betterment of ol people. They should trust their doctors n their instinct more thn words of third persons and Google.

Somewhere in some Hospital i read that they have started one rule in which relatives n visitors have to pay some amount of ₹ as entry fee, which collectively at the end will be used in billing of that respective patients. Dnt knw practical implementation yet but i liked the idea.
Requirements of Money +/- Blood when raised for a patient, it gives exact idea of how many real well wishers are there to stay back.

May things change for the Good some day.


  1. Yes, if can be implemented would be beneficial to patient , doctor and Hospital.

  2. Truly written . And the concept of entry fees should really applicable to all hospitals.

  3. Very true... Ppl just came to show that they have concern... But actually no one cares... If entry fees will be started half of the relative will stop to came to hospital... Ppl Ppl just went to keep new status on social media..

  4. V truly written... These is d mirror... Ppl only came to show that they have concern... But actually no one cares... If entry fees will be started half of the relatives will stop to came to hosp... Ppl came only to show status on social media..


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