
Covid – 19 Pandemic , year 2020

Covid -19 such a negative word when it come positive. People are living under a fear of a tiny virus, we can’t even see by naked eyes, The purpose behind this blog is “why India is in lockdown as compared to Australia.”
Being medical person, my curiosity makes me updated with the ongoing situation. I found out during first week of Covid 19 India and Australia’s cases were running parallel. During second or third week both countries had same cases around 6000. After few weeks I saw that Australis’s cases are still same however, India’s cases are increasing day by day. I had conversation about this difference with my colleagues, they said India have more population as compare to Australia. So, in general that India have more positive case as compare to Australia. But what I found Australia was in partially lockdown where all the shopping mall, restaurant (only take away), public transport and some offices are still working. And right now, they already start secondary schools, restaurant, gathering (only 10 people allow at a movement) and beaches. I am still wondering how its possible, India is in full lockdown for 1.5 months, the government trying to do their best to control a whole situation, but what are the obstacles affecting India, which is not affecting to the Australia?

Of course there are many reasons, Population Density is prime cause BUT as I talked with one friend & few more who live in Australia and other countries, I found out the obstacle is not government nor health sector but it’s a public awareness. Yes, its bitter truth that Indian public is not aware about this situation or they are not taking it seriously, Indian people never took any rules seriously may be they thought rules are made for breaking, but why don’t they think that rules are made to make it simpler and smoother. In Australia people are very particular about rules and regulations. During Covid 19 situation they are following all the instruction very strictly. For example, no gathering, maintain a social distance, washing hand and sanitising all the things at store and wearing mask. Nevertheless, in India government passed the law to make you wear a mask. This is very embracing movement for Indian that without any rules they don’t even wear single mask for them. Australia government never passed any laws regarding wearing a mask or use sanitiser but still people doing it for own self. Here after passing law still public don’t wear it. When ever people compare India to other foreign country, they used to say foreign country have good government and advanced healthcare system, that they are wealthier than India. But let me clear it, that not government or healthcare system are responsible for their achievement. “people” who live there, who follow their instruction, they are responsible to make it more advanced. So at the end before blaming government or healthcare sector please blame yourself that, are you a citizen who follow all the instruction?

‘Self Discipline' is the key. Now that we are in Lockdown4.0, Don’t forget this. Be careful & responsible citizen for yourself, friends, family & Our Nation.


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