My experience in Hospitals

Being Barodian, being BHMS, working in different hospitals since April 2006, I Find myself blessed here, medical field, Doctors, staff, hospitals, are far way better than what we hear n read about in different other cities, in many ways, if not superior in medical facilities.

I would like to share a trick / way / methodology which I hv practiced so far, from being student to doctor, be it called as rmo or registrar or whatever it is,

Number of hours spent in icu, bed side with patients, is equally proportional to ur knowledge
**if u hv interest ofcourse**

Discussion with other Doctors around us, listening to their discussions about patients, diseases, treatment, are far more better thn books, ofcourse reading is important, but listening, understanding experiences of others n than develop our own pattern of thinking n understanding disease is really pleasure, medical field ofcourse has many black dots in India today but still being involved in the process of cure / palliation or even death of one human being & giving ur best efforts to it, has different level of satisfaction than any other job in the world.

Many people (specially BHMS/BAMS juniors) ask me about, how to be an ICU Dr, how to earn more, what to do after bachelors, options can be many from being RMO, doing Pvt practice, doing management work, going abroad, doing TPA work, OFCOURSE money is important, bt my one common answer to all questions would be one,

First Be with patients & relatives and understand the whole process this Medical Industry in India is going through, than decide what attracts u n suits u & thn decide ur career goals, take ur time, may it be one or two years, go slow n steady n thn be consistent on whatever u choose. If u r sincere & work hard, Money is coming ur way, sooner or later, without a doubt, just don't think about it in initial years. Ofcourse there are many more senior & qualified doctors, to guide people like me in Baroda, people may disagree to this, but this is just my take on the whole issue.


  1. Good to hear some practical advice as medical field itself is very vast and little more complicated for bhms, interms of getting money nd Respect both... So patience with hardwork is key...keep doing good work....

  2. Completely agree with u.
    I share the same opinion about spending time with patients, listening to their problems and open discussion and follow up about all cases. This is what is called experience. Books r only to get degree. To treat patients u need experience.

  3. True Dr. Jatin. It's been almost 15 years of carrier. As u said, sincerity, learning attitude and reading, listening and experiencing attitude is must. Thank you for serving since last 1.5 decades.

  4. It's true,,the main cause behind success in clinical field is always depends on how much time you are giving to patients with a highest sincerity,,,and pls never afraid on receiving any Emergency,,,try to gain knowledge with confidence.
    Good job jatin.

  5. So true ! Empathy is very important. Each Experience is unique in its own may and if seen with a positive perspective, it will have a new meaning

  6. U r blessed that u r medico and u r even more blessed when we found u good human being too

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Very nice Dr. Jatin
    I think you have given very nice opinion about the carrier choice for them who can yet decided what to do

  9. Very nice Jatin Bhai
    Absolutely right what u said
    Without dedication we can't achieve

  10. Dr. Jatin

    It's only your dedication to the profession and your true love towards the profession..... Keep it up.

  11. Now I understand why we give u so much respect you.i hv seen u interested in all kinds of discussions of patient in friendly atmosphere. U hv said big thing in small words do hard work money will follow you. Very true. Impressed


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