Emergency Medical Services


*This is absolutely different stuff than hospitals and critical care medicine*

As per survey conducted by SEMI, Society of emergency medicine in India, in 2017,

“With more than 100,000 road traffic related deaths, 98.5% ‘ambulance runs’ transporting dead bodies, 90% of ambulances without any equipment/oxygen, 95% of ambulances having untrained personnel, most ED doctors having no formal training in EMS, misuse of government ambulances and 30% mortality due to delay in emergency care, India portrays a mirror image of the U.S. of the 1960s.”

The good news is that EMS has taken firm root in India but still we are far behind in this (best are, 911 in US, EMS in UK and so many others) in respect to quality n quantity of Services n service providers, Density of population being most common point of worry in any service management, here also its a big constraint. Good and Affordable, Air ambulance, Train Ambulance and other things are still far away from us in India.

Government is offering Free services but not optimized because of xyz reasons, known and unknown to us, so no other ways than private services is available for all common people.

Good ems, Good Healthcare facilities for all, is one of the primary need and right of citizens of any country, whereas in India, even insurance companies are not acknowledging the importance of ambulance and medical escorts, patients are not paid back by their insurer, for payments related to these services which proves our ignorance related to these questions.

Number of Ambulances, Number of Trained personnel, Number of Calls required to be attended for these, Awareness of general population regarding medical services & ambulance services and it’s importance is still in very primitive stage.

Basic knowledge of life saving measures, services required, including CPR, availability of facilities around us is very important for ourselves and our families.

Ambulance services , their costing , their requirements , equipments required in it, trainings for that , drivers , man power required , such things are not known well to many of medicos too forget about nonmedical personals.

May there be in coming times sooner,

“The importance of Ambulance service be uplifted and known to all.”


  1. Nicely written..high time that we focus on ambulance services so that " Golden Hours" get utilized.

    1. Very helpful service for society that you have started

      Wish you all the best

    2. Yes .. High time that people know the importance of good ambulance services. It can be life saving.

  2. Great writing .it should reach through other media to public .publish in inew paper so more people can reach and connect with your thought

  3. Valid points.Must be addressed.Thanks for raising.

  4. Yes. Good ambulance services are must.

  5. Ambulance services are the primary providers of a 24/7 response to medical and trauma related emergencies. U provide a disciplined and organised system. 👌👌

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