What can be done?
HOSPITALS-RELATIVES-PATIENT WHAT A GOOD RELATIVE OF A PATIENT CAN DO FOR THEIR LOVED ONES? 1. visit less , disturb patient and their first relatives as much less as possible , avoid crowding , avoid transferring infection as well as avoid social burden on first family relative of a patient. 2. don't quote negative incidences that u have heard or come across , either related to or not related to same disease condition. 3. offer more sympathy and less logics. don't offer your half / partial knowledge without being asked and don't be google doctor. 4. never lie to your doctor. trust ur doctor and their team , they are working for your patient's better health, but they are not God. No human body can be garunteed about how it would behave after a disease or treatment. 5. offer monitory help or social help genuinely, work extra hours if you can & make some funds for your relative to support them truly rather than just sitting in waiting area and doing chit chats. don...