What can be done?



1. visit less , disturb patient and their first relatives as much less as possible , avoid crowding , avoid transferring infection as well as avoid social burden on first family relative of a patient. 

2. don't quote negative incidences that u have heard or come across , either related to or not related to same disease condition.

3. offer more sympathy and less logics. don't offer your half / partial knowledge without being asked and don't be google doctor.

4. never lie to your doctor. trust ur doctor and their team , they are working for your patient's better health, but they are not God. No human body can be garunteed about how it would behave after a disease or treatment. 

5. offer monitory help or social help genuinely, work extra hours if you can & make some funds for your relative to support them truly rather than just sitting in waiting area and doing chit chats. don't just be witness of the situation, be a part of it.

6. get yours and your family check ups regularly, buy good medical insurance for all family members, have good budget spent on ur health. private hospitals also have lot of responsibilities & maintenance liabilities. it can't be cheaper and better everytime.

7. donate / encourage donation , of blood and other organs whenever possible , have enough knowledge and spread it wisely in society.

8. be aware about good diet, good health, good habits, good exercise, work on these things when you and your family is healthy, make your relatives understand about it rather than regretting it when they fall sick and then expect your doctors to do miracles.

9. Violene of anykind , with any medical and / or paramedical person will make this situation even worse for everyone and at the end , patients (specially critical patients) will pay the prize. May wisdom prevail everywhere.

10. Keep your Mobile craze away from hospitals , sick person needs ur warmth , some true empathy and care , not the clicks and messages and calls and video calls. it won't help them.


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