Being in Indian Hospitals 2020's
Suppose for an example; Patient gets admitted today at xyz hospital with xyz disease , being investigated to reach some diagnosis by in house team of consultants and medical officers , say 10 of them. Relatives asks and takes pictures of all reports and papers to send to some 11th doctor who has not seen a patient yet , but they are giving him all information and asks for his opinion. looking at these 10 doctors with all doubts by their whatsapp and google knowledge they have gathered. even before the reports have arrived & read properly by treating team , someone in family is ready with mobile to click the pics , everyone is ready to understand it in their own ways in family & at the end they spoil the scenario rather than helping out. Questions they ask about health and treatment are more directed towards clearing their own doubts and then they gather incomplete knowledge in their own ways and own capacity , hardly I find people asking Questions out of care and concern of p...