
Being an ICU Doctor

A doctor must be psychologically fit for this job –able to make decisions under a terrifying amount of pressure, able to break bad news to anguished relatives, able to deal with death on a daily basis. They must have something that cannot be memorized and graded.  A great doctor must have a huge heart and a distended aorta through which pumps a vast lake of compassion and human kindness & medical colleges don't give a shit about all these in academic years. As you might imagine, learning every single aspect of the human body’s anatomy and physiology, plus each possible way it can malfunction & then find a solution for each malfunction/disease, is a fairly giant task in itself & then turning this theory into practice is a huge task ahead after education. During day time you may be able to do these over the years of learning & still accept the failures you come across during your practice.  Then comes one more turnover 'Nights'. You have to be more alert durin

True Relationships Required..

It's not a medical story Only!! Here is the story of team work, friendship and relations.. Patient Ravi Panchal (35/M) presented to us on 29/09/22 late night with early ARDS , Acidosis , Severe Pancytopenia , Dengue Shock Syndrome with MODS , Remained in ICU on ventilator for 10 days , with Dialysis and Ionotropes Supports , with God's Grace , his own will to fight disease , prayers of his Wife and Ultimate support by his friends in all regards , our team's hard work paid off today , he is getting discharged today with smile on his face and his family. At one point, the situation was extremely dark and critical, Few of his relatives were losing hope and were thinking to withdraw the treatment, But his wife and friends had faith, we had hopes & together we all decided to fight and today it has paid off,  Thnx to all our HK staff , Nursing staff , our technicians , all RMO and all support system of our hospital , special mention, thnx to Dr Ankur bhavsar sir , Dr Divyesh

Being in Indian Hospitals 2020's

Suppose for an example; Patient gets admitted today at xyz hospital with xyz disease , being investigated to reach some diagnosis by in house team of consultants and medical officers , say 10 of them. Relatives asks and takes pictures of all reports and papers to send to some 11th doctor who has not seen a patient yet , but they are giving him all information and asks for his opinion. looking at these 10 doctors with all doubts by their whatsapp and google knowledge they have gathered. even before the reports have arrived & read properly by treating team , someone in family is ready with mobile to click the pics , everyone is ready to understand it in their own ways in family & at the end they spoil the scenario rather than helping out. Questions they ask about health and treatment are more directed towards clearing their own doubts and then they gather incomplete knowledge in their own ways and own capacity , hardly I find people asking Questions out of care and concern of p

What can be done?

HOSPITALS-RELATIVES-PATIENT WHAT A GOOD RELATIVE OF A PATIENT CAN DO FOR THEIR LOVED ONES? 1. visit less , disturb patient and their first relatives as much less as possible , avoid crowding , avoid transferring infection as well as avoid social burden on first family relative of a patient.  2. don't quote negative incidences that u have heard or come across , either related to or not related to same disease condition. 3. offer more sympathy and less logics. don't offer your half / partial knowledge without being asked and don't be google doctor. 4. never lie to your doctor. trust ur doctor and their team , they are working for your patient's better health, but they are not God. No human body can be garunteed about how it would behave after a disease or treatment.  5. offer monitory help or social help genuinely, work extra hours if you can & make some funds for your relative to support them truly rather than just sitting in waiting area and doing chit chats. don

Thanks my friends/colleagues

A loud shoutout to all my colleague/friends, BHMS/BAMS medical officers, Family physicians and General practitioners, All over Vadodara, Gujrat, other states and India, who have worked day and night during this pandemic, putting their lives and families at risk, many of them got infected also with covid but still war was On & its still On,   In this whole year, our medical fraternity was under trouble during this period of Pandemic, in many ways including shortage of manpower, even though GOI and so called NABH has failed over the years to acknowledge contribution from us, neither they could recognize the worth for efforts we put in over the years & not allowing them to do clinic & job legally for their xyz reasons and laws, where as actually education system upgradation is the solution for long term, which is not done in medical and paramedical colleges of India, at the end of the day, Doctor is Doctor, irrespective of Degree. We have still done our best & I am proudly

ThankYou Vadodara

It's been almost 15 years now that I am doing Job here in Vadodara, what its called RMOship, in different hospitals, different atmosphere, with different people & I feel blessed that this city has given me back more than what I deserve, It taught me that if you are ready to work hard & sincerely, Medical feild here is ready to accept you and nourish you, all seniors are supportive and great people, knowledge & healthy discussions are always around you if you look for it, you will get best of health wealth respect everything here in Vadodara. I want to clarify few basics today what I have understood and learnt being here, being Doctor doesnt always mean being consultant or what society looks at you like or what social media & movies show about it. Its not easy job at all. There are basically 4 types of doctors 1) Consultant (specialist & superspecialist) who run the main show, in opd n ipd form, managing all sorts of patients from simple cases to most complic

Emergency Medical Services

Note: *This is absolutely different stuff than hospitals and critical care medicine* As per survey conducted by SEMI, Society of emergency medicine in India, in 2017, “With more than 100,000 road traffic related deaths, 98.5% ‘ambulance runs’ transporting dead bodies, 90% of ambulances without any equipment/oxygen, 95% of ambulances having untrained personnel, most ED doctors having no formal training in EMS, misuse of government ambulances and 30% mortality due to delay in emergency care, India portrays a mirror image of the U.S. of the 1960s.” The good news is that EMS has taken firm root in India but still we are far behind in this (best are, 911 in US, EMS in UK and so many others) in respect to quality n quantity of Services n service providers, Density of population being most common point of worry in any service management, here also its a big constraint. Good and Affordable, Air ambulance, Train Ambulance and other things are still far away from us in India. Government is offe


Covid – 19 Pandemic , year 2020 Covid -19 such a negative word when it come positive. People are living under a fear of a tiny virus, we can’t even see by naked eyes, The purpose behind this blog is “why India is in lockdown as compared to Australia.” Being medical person, my curiosity makes me updated with the ongoing situation. I found out during first week of Covid 19 India and Australia’s cases were running parallel. During second or third week both countries had same cases around 6000. After few weeks I saw that Australis’s cases are still same however, India’s cases are increasing day by day. I had conversation about this difference with my colleagues, they said India have more population as compare to Australia. So, in general that India have more positive case as compare to Australia. But what I found Australia was in partially lockdown where all the shopping mall, restaurant (only take away), public transport and some offices are still working. And right now, they already

My experience in Hospitals

Being Barodian, being BHMS, working in different hospitals since April 2006, I Find myself blessed here, medical field, Doctors, staff, hospitals, are far way better than what we hear n read about in different other cities, in many ways, if not superior in medical facilities. I would like to share a trick / way / methodology which I hv practiced so far, from being student to doctor, be it called as rmo or registrar or whatever it is, Number of hours spent in icu, bed side with patients, is equally proportional to ur knowledge **if u hv interest ofcourse** Discussion with other Doctors around us, listening to their discussions about patients, diseases, treatment, are far more better thn books, ofcourse reading is important, but listening, understanding experiences of others n than develop our own pattern of thinking n understanding disease is really pleasure, medical field ofcourse has many black dots in India today but still being involved in the process of cure / palliation or

Unwanted Guests

!Ol my Medical n NonMedical frnz do read this one! The most irritating thing about working in Hospitals is 'Visiting Hours' I really dont understand why ppl come to visit patients in Hospitals! Hardly 5% people coming r really concerned about their health n r thinking how they can b helpful to the patients in real sense! Rest 95% ppl do come for x y z reasons which indian tradition is set for! Either bcz just they r free, curious to know what's happening, sharing their irrelevant n expert experiences n knowledge with everyone patient n relatives n doctors, some r coming just to c billing n other facilities so tht they cn give judgement abt hospital which they have never known about or just to Ask Stupid questions n irritate ppl around! Eventually these so called well wishers spoil the case in many ways. Sometimes people come and ask for a patient but they dont even know him / her by name neither they have numbers but still insist on meeting!! This Tradition should


As the days are passing by, I realized that there are so many notions and misbeliefs about ICU, specially in our country, prevailing in society and non medical persons' minds, leading to mistrust and miscommunication between Doctors and Patients' relatives and those so-called well wishers with extra ordinary knowledge - about these concepts which are more of misconceptions, always eager to share their expert opinions. Few most common of them are, 'Patient is dead already and is kept on ventilator for monitory gains by doctor / hospital' 'Patient once kept on ventilator will never come out of ICU' 'Patient can not die and would not be declared dead because ventilator is On and is running the whole body' Here I would like to clarify few of these things, not useful for medicos of course, who are already knowing the facts and simplest fact that, dead body can not be kept in ICU on any number of machines, ventilator only supports your lungs and

One on World Homeopathy Day - 10th April

Today's day - 10th April is known as World Homeopathy Day - 2019 being 264th Birth Anniversary of founder Dr CFS Hahnemann - German Physician - Who invented homeopathy - Which is now second most used and effective branch of medical practice - fastest growing alternative medicine in India and in many other countries of the world. There are around 225 colleges (I Doubt the standards followed) offering BHMS degree to students and around 2,00,000 registered medical practitioners and 12,000 being added annually to it in India. As per last statastics around 200 million people around the globe use homeopathic treatment solely for their health, specially for children And it is now added in National Health System by few countries including India. Then where r v lacking in our country to use this system & doctors?? Hardly 20% of students r doing homeopathic practice after passing out and majority r struggling for their career and continue as clinical assistant or RMO in hospitals,



Medical Insurance in India

Few facts n equations I know about: Insurance is one of the largest n fastest growing indiinduin India n over the globe right now, expected to be amounting to US$280 billion in 2020. Large no of life insurance and health insurance companies are in market right now, of both private and public sectors. Around 36 health insurance companies and TPA are in market of which around 28 are making loss out of it in view of Claims received, paid and due to huge amount of fraud claims submitted, in one way or other, which indirectly reflects on premium, increasing year by year, making it a burden over common people. There are many terms, conditions and sum insured limitations in mediclaim policies taken individually, unlike in corporate and government schemes for eg: MAA Yojana, ONGC, WR and so on, which is widely and many times used wrongly by many people, which is ABSOLUTELY UNFAIR, where they have no terms and conditions neither many of them have any sum insured limitations. So, There is an

Medical Authorities in India

Where are v heading? Where will this end one day? Why so many Increasing conflicts n undesirable incidents? Who is the main responsible? Govt body giving authorities to start medical colleges every now and then without proper confirmation of services and education they can provide. Education standards in medical colleges in India is very poor. Govt n regulatory authorities n corruption at college levels specially self financial institutions, are main culprit bcz they want to settle following data on international levels, published on WHO n Indian medical journal websites last year. "Only 106 415 doctors are employed by the government in India, of the 938 861 doctors registered to provide healthcare to a population over 120 crore (1.2 billion).  Of these, only 27 355 are posted at primary health centres (PHCs), which serve the rural population. With poor infrastructure and no increase in the number of posts for government doctors over the past many decades, despite a

Festivals in Hospitals

Wishes to all On this divine festival of Rakshabandhan So how does it make difference in hospitals¿ Doctors, staff, paramedic staff one or the other on leave and few r performing their duty as that on regular days, few staying away from their homes, not able to celebrate festival for one reason or other! My day started with Rakhi at home, thn starts duty, first patient I saw in icu today eaw young lady suffering from neurological stroke and coma, came from MP to Baroda, 2 days back, not improved after all teams' efforts, relatives from some far village 200km from here, want to tk her home, Brother signing Formality papers of Discharge process with no expression on his face standing by his father's side, who is illiterate bt wise, with understanding that she would not make it now and will loose her sister on this day itself. Where is God? Reminding me of famous quote of HouseMD, ''Either there is no God or else he is very cruel "

Worsening Current Senario

I have studied 14-16 hrs a day .At times much more. I have worked relentlessly for 36 hrs. I have not slept for hours to take care of unknown people. I have experienced the saddest moments of my life when I have lost a patient. I have experienced happiest moments of life when I could save a gravely ill patient. I gave up a lot of pleasures of my life to reach to this level. I took no hesitation in cleaning the dirtiest of wounds ,stool n urine of patients. I have put in my heart and soul into my profession. I do not get any special concessions or support from the government. I have a family and a right to good living too. I take pride in being a who is there for all irrespective of caste,class,creed,religion or status.. PLEASE DO NOT BELITTLE MY PROFESSION ... I'm still in India to serve inspite great opportunities abroad itself shows my love and loyalty to my country.... Value it before it's too late to find good dr in future in country.

Doctors and Festivals

As the time is passing by Festivals in India r changing gradually and so as the illnesses in those times where everyone is enjoying with family and frnz Doctors and Soldiers have to be on their Toes as for example v have so many increasing number of cases of Kite Thread Injury every year. In any case to give 24*7*365 medical services to the society, even at any cost offered, its not an easy task to do so. At one side all medical n paramedical staff has to balance between their personal life n professional life in such situations and still its always Thankless job. People now a day think that v r paying so v shld get ol facilities available sooner as possible (my dear frnz u buy services wth money but not person) n the attitude of people in society is changing towards doctors n so vice versa n thn comes criticism rather thn appreciation for the whole team. I true heartedly salute all medical n paramedical staff to be available on festive days as I also salute our Army to be available

Isn't it true¿

R v really aware n care for ourselves? For our physical health? How many of us have regular health check-up? Do v really have budget for our physical health? I think mostly ans is.. V r not aware neither v care as v should nor v have any such budgets. Here, mostly in India i m talking about as i m not aware of other places, have habit of neglecting physical symptoms n consult good doctors well in advance. The only way to prevent major illnesses or to avoid them being major or to detect n treat them early is to consult ur physician doctors regularly and undergo health check-up so that v can prevent illness n improve our health by improving our life style before its too late. Be cautious bt not anxious. Its better to b safe then worried.

Indian Society

India is such a beautiful country to live in with its different cultures and rituals it makes it unique in d world but now it has stucked itself between western culture and ancient Indian culture where youth is not sure of where to move on like they r stucked between want of freedom that Western world is offering and want of maintaining Social integration which they r taught of since childhood. As a doctor i see so many people stuck between society and desires and social customs when their old age parents r in icu with life threatening situation and they r in situation to take critical decision of continuing or discontinue with Rx. I hope one day people will understand that Personal Desires r more important and to be respected thn social integration to be maintained bcz at d end there is nothing right and nothing wrong.

Alarming Days

Its been more thn 11 years now that i m working in different Hospitals different Departments on different Levels as an assistant or officer to help to smoothen the Patient-Doctor/Hospital relationship and i would say day by day Trust bw two sides is getting down for one or the other reasons. Its high time to do something for Injecting Trust in this relationship before its too late n ot becomes completely professional thn the familiar services that v would love to have unlile the Western world. Honestly speaking medicine is more of a trial n error type of artistic thing with few protocols and guidelines for better results and not the perfect Black n White Science, its all Grey areas ol around medical field and thats the bitter truth. Now a days communication and counselling is becoming more important thn Rx itself and thats pity. Future if continued like this would b very bad for doctors n patients both, only corporates will earn out of this nothing else. No one would like to join this